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Today is beautiful and sunny here in northern Virginia. The February wind is a bit cold but the sun feels wonderful. A drive north of Round Hill produced this photograph, an area surrounded by pastoral farms.
This field house has appeared in several of my photographs over time, but always from a distance. Today I decided to get muddy and walk up to the small structure for a closer look. It's a charming little building with a stream that runs underneath it. Amongst the thick grasses were evidence of deer beds and heavy hoofed traffic.
Last week or so the moon was full and bright. I woke at 5 am on this day and hiked over to a creek near where I live to capture the big moon's effects. While fiddling with my camera in 20 degree weather I realized it was too dark to shoot. So I pointed my camera at the reflection in the creek and came up with this shot. Not an award winner but an interesting experiment. The blurred running water mixed with moonlight affords a creepy photo that I won't try again, until spring anyway.
Overgrown fields in northern Virginia can be visually appealing. The wide mix of plant life and combination of colors are attractive settings for wildlife and photographers alike. This photo was taken next to Sleeter Lake in January 2006.
The lines created by rows of hay bales always draw me in. Constrast those with dense fog and trees to conjure something that truly represents rural beauty.
This south facing view was also taken at Bears Den on January 28, 2006. Absent the normally present haze, a series of rolling hills can be seen all the way to the horizon. The farthest peak to the right of center on the horizon is Front Royal which begins the scenic Skyline Drive.
This time lapse photo was taken at sunset from the rock outcrop at Bears Den hiking cabin. This west facing view shows Winchester lit up on the horizon. The streaks of light in the foreground are cars driving along Route 7. I will have prints hanging at Bears Den in the next few weeks, check them out if you are in the area.
This river is located near Middleburg. I'm standing on an unusual iron bridge that I stumbled upon while gawking at pastures. The early morning light provided a good amount of constrast and depth.
The pond next to Hill High in Round Hill is a haven for all sorts of wild life. This morning the Canadian Geese were having a nice quiet nap until I showed up. They scurried off under a full moon before any of us had coffee.
This pair have stood for many years. They share similar roots but likely come from different backgrounds. The old and older in rural harmony sharing location and form. Photo taken in "downtown" Round Hill.
Fog spilling over the Blue Ridge is not an unusual sight in western Loudoun. On some occasions, the fog holds together like a blanket that slowly creeps over the landscape.
Fog, water and trees usually make for a pleasing setting. This photo of a small pond was taken south of Round Hill just off one of the many dirt roads in the area.
Taken south of Purcellville, this corn field is weeks away from a new crop (house foundations). The horizon is covered with about a hundred Canadian geese who are doing their best to keep ahead of me.
This September 2005 photo was taken just over the Blue Ridge. I'm standing in a field of beans (?) under a tumultuous sky. I come to this location often because of the interesting elements it has to offer. I have yet to capture this location in all its glory, but am confident that persistence will provide the ideal photograph.