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Thursday, February 07, 2008

Skateboarding a crime?

The Blue Ridge leader reported the following today:

"Several skateboarders were skating in the 700 block of E. Main Street. Parents were notified".

Since when is it a crime to skate? As an old school boarder myself, I was shocked to read this. I'd rather see our youth participating in a sport than being bored and looking for trouble. I think the town of Purcellville needs to lighten up.

March 14 update: The Blue Ridge Leader reports this: "Parents were notified that youths were skate boarding at Blue Ridge Middle School." Folks, we obviously have an epidemic on our hands. Has Homeland Security been called?

July 28: There is an effort underway to build a skate plaza / park here, called the Purcellville Skate Project. Visit this site to learn more and get involved: