Round Hill held it's annual Hometown Festival yesterday on what was the perfect day. This well attended event brought the town together for a day of fun, music and food.

The park filled with neighbors and friends who listened to the Loudoun Valley High band start the day off.

The pie eating contest is a town favorite. The event, held later in the day, allows various age groups to compete by attempting to devour the 2500 calorie chocolate cream pie. This little guy looks all to ready.

Mary Ruth waves to the crowd from her antique shop as they make their way towards town. It looks like the town is saving on gas with pedal power.

Everyone enjoyed the day, including this small dog. Can you say Mogwai? :)

A future gang of Fire Department candidates.

I've witnessed many pie eating techniques over the years while shooting this event. The "evil eye" is one of my favorites. After coaching our newly elected major (not shown here) on best approaches for this event, he executed magnificently. However, he left the table in mid-eat. Folks, we need to break this one in.