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Monday, July 10, 2006

Painting in the darkroom

Back in college I was quite the creative lad and often carved my own path. Early in my Darkroom 101 class I became more interested in experimentation than actually making prints. I would crumple photo paper, expose it to light and paint on it with the developer chemical. Occasionally the outcome would be striking. I received a B in the class without developing one print from my camera (I took the class again in a proper fashion and aced it).


Deborah Eley De Bono said...

I can almost smell the fix. I would spend hours in the darkroom fussing with some neg then crawl out into the bright sunlight looking like a mole. Ah, the good times.

Dave Levinson said...

Yes indeed, the good 'ole days. Some of my best friends, even to this day, I met in darkroom class. Thanks for the comment!